Java Selenium Real-time Examples
Coding Academy India
This is an ideal product if you want to look at different examples for Java Selenium.
Here is the list of examples which are covered:
- Variables and Data Types
- Strings and Arrays.
- Conditions and Loops
- Methods
- Exception Handling.
- Collections - List, Maps, Queues, Sets, Iterators
- File Handling - File Create, Folder Create, File Read, File Write, File Delete
- Excel Handling - Excel Create, Excel Read, Excel Write.
- Selenium - Handle TextBox, DropDown, Radio Button, Checkboxes
- Selenium - Get Page Information and Element Information
- Selenium - Handling Mouse and KeyBoard Actions.
- Selenium - Handling Alerts
- Selenium- Handling Multiple Windows, Iframes
- Selenium - Drag and Drop
- Selenium - File Upload and Download
- Selenium - WebTable Handling
- Selenium - Waits - Implicit, Explicit and Fluent
- Selenium - Take Screenshots.
- TestNG - Methods, Groups, Class, Package and Data Provider
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With this you will get a zip containing a java project which contains all real time examples for Java Selenium
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